Brenda Abrams

Systemwide Academic Senate

Academic Senate

Academic Computing and Communications (UCACC)
Start End Representation
9/2008 8/2013 Committee Analyst
Academic Freedom (UCAF)
Start End Representation
9/2008 8/2023 Committee Analyst
Academic Personnel (UCAP)
Start End Representation
9/2008 8/2023 Committee Analyst
Blue Ribbon Panel on Evaluation of Online Instruction Pilot Project (BRP)
Start End Representation
1/2013 8/2014 Committee Analyst
Board of Admissions and Relations with Schools (BOARS)
Start End Representation
9/2023 8/2024 Committee Analyst
7/2008 8/2016 Committee Analyst
Coordinating Committee on Graduate Affairs (CCGA)
Start End Representation
7/2008 8/2016 Committee Analyst
Educational Policy (UCEP)
Start End Representation
9/2008 8/2024 Committee Analyst
ELWR Task Force (ELWRTF)
Start End Representation
3/2021 6/2022 Staff
Intersegmental Committee of the Academic Senates (ICAS)
Start End Representation
9/2023 8/2024 Committee Analyst
Library and Scholarly Communication (UCOLASC)
Start End Representation
7/2008 8/2017 Committee Analyst
Online Undergraduate Degree Task Force (OUDTF)
Start End Representation
11/2019 8/2020 Committee Analyst
Preparatory Education (UCOPE)
Start End Representation
9/2014 8/2023 Committee Analyst
UCOPE English for Multilingual Students Advisory Group (UCOPE-EMS)
Start End Representation
9/2014 8/2023 Committee Analyst