John Hildebrand

San Diego


Academic Computing and Communications (UCACC)
Start End Representation
9/2022 8/2023 Ex Officio, UCOLASC Chair
9/2021 8/2022 Ex Officio, UCOLASC Vice Chair
Academic Council (COUNCIL)
Start End Representation
9/2023 8/2024 San Diego Divisional Chair
Assembly of the Academic Senate (ASSEMBLY)
Start End Representation
9/2023 8/2024 San Diego Divisional Chair
9/2011 8/2013 San Diego Divisional Representative
Coordinating Committee on Graduate Affairs (CCGA)
Start End Representation
9/2009 8/2010 San Diego
Library and Scholarly Communication (UCOLASC)
Start End Representation
9/2022 8/2023 Chair
9/2021 8/2022 Vice Chair
9/2019 8/2021 San Diego